
Always use a with around a file()

Since files involve OS resources, it's important to be sure that the entanglements between our applications and the OS are released as soon as they're no longer needed. The with statement ensures that resources are used properly.

Just to complete the example, the following is the regular expression used to parse Apache HTTP server logfiles in Common Log Format:

import re
format_1_pat= re.compile(
    r"([\d\.]+)\s+" # digits and .'s: host
    r"(\S+)\s+"     # non-space: logname
    r"(\S+)\s+"     # non-space: user
    r"\[(.+?)\]\s+" # Everything in []: time
    r'"(.+?)"\s+'   # Everything in "": request
    r"(\d+)\s+"     # digits: status
    r"(\S+)\s+"     # non-space: bytes
    r'"(.*?)"\s+'   # Everything in "": referrer
    r'"(.*?)"\s*'   # Everything in "": user agent

The preceding expression located the various log format fields used in the previous example.