Mastering Object-oriented Python
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Some Preliminaries
About casino Blackjack
Playing the game
Blackjack player strategies
Object design for simulating Blackjack
Performance – the timeit module
Testing – unittest and doctest
Unit testing and technology spikes
Docstrings – RST markup and documentation tools
The IDE question
About special method names
Part 1. Pythonic Classes via Special Methods
Pythonic Classes via Special Methods
Chapter 1. The __init__() Method
The implicit superclass – object
The base class object __init__() method
Implementing __init__() in a superclass
Using __init__() to create manifest constants
Leveraging __init__() via a factory function
Faulty factory design and the vague else clause
Simplicity and consistency using elif sequences
Simplicity using mapping and class objects
Implementing __init__() in each subclass
Simple composite objects
Wrapping a collection class
Extending a collection class
More requirements and another design
Complex composite objects
Complete composite object initialization
Stateless objects without __init__()
Some additional class definitions
Multi-strategy __init__()
More complex initialization alternatives
Initializing static methods
Yet more __init__() techniques
Initialization with type validation
Initialization encapsulation and privacy
Chapter 2. Integrating Seamlessly with Python Basic Special Methods
The __repr__() and __str__() methods
Non collection __str__() and __repr__()
Collection __str__() and __repr__()
The __format__() method
Nested formatting specifications
Collections and delegating format specifications
The __hash__() method
Deciding what to hash
Inheriting definitions for immutable objects
Overriding definitions for immutable objects
Overriding definitions for mutable objects
Making a frozen hand from a mutable hand
The __bool__() method
The __bytes__() method
The comparison operator methods
Designing comparisons
Implementation of comparison for objects of the same class
Implementation of comparison for objects of mixed classes
Hard totals soft totals and polymorphism
A mixed class comparison example
The __del__() method
The reference count and destruction
Circular references and garbage collection
Circular references and the weakref module
The __del__() and close() methods
The __new__() method and immutable objects
The __new__() method and metaclasses
Metaclass example 1 – ordered attributes
Metaclass example 2 – self-reference
Chapter 3. Attribute Access Properties and Descriptors
Basic attribute processing
Attributes and the __init__() method
Creating properties
Eagerly computed properties
Setter and deleter properties
Using special methods for attribute access
Creating immutable objects with __slots__
Creating immutable objects as a tuple subclass
Eagerly computed attributes
The __getattribute__() method
Creating descriptors
Using a nondata descriptor
Using a data descriptor
Summary design considerations and trade-offs
Properties versus attributes
Designing with descriptors
Looking forward
Chapter 4. The ABCs of Consistent Design
Abstract base classes
Base classes and polymorphism
Containers and collections
Some additional abstractions
The iterator abstraction
Contexts and context managers
The abc module
Summary design considerations and trade-offs
Looking forward
Chapter 5. Using Callables and Contexts
Designing with ABC callables
Improving performance
Using memoization or caching
Using functools for memoization
Aiming for simplicity using the callable API
Complexities and the callable API
Managing contexts and the with statement
Using the decimal context
Other contexts
Defining the __enter__() and __exit__() methods
Handling exceptions
Context manager as a factory
Cleaning up in a context manager
Callable design considerations and trade-offs
Context manager design considerations and trade-offs
Looking forward
Chapter 6. Creating Containers and Collections
ABCs of collections
Examples of special methods
Using the standard library extensions
The namedtuple() function
The deque class
The ChainMap use case
The OrderedDict collection
The defaultdict subclass
The counter collection
Creating new kinds of collections
Defining a new kind of sequence
A statistical list
Choosing eager versus lazy calculation
Working with __getitem__() __setitem__() __delitem__() and slices
Implementing __getitem__() __setitem__() and __delitem__()
Wrapping a list and delegating
Creating iterators with __iter__()
Creating a new kind of mapping
Creating a new kind of set
Some design rationale
Defining the Tree class
Defining the TreeNode class
Demonstrating the binary tree set
Design considerations and Trade-offs
Looking forward
Chapter 7. Creating Numbers
ABCs of numbers
Deciding which types to use
The method resolution and the reflected operator concept
The arithmetic operator's special methods
Creating a numeric class
Defining FixedPoint initialization
Defining FixedPoint binary arithmetic operators
Defining FixedPoint unary arithmetic operators
Implementing FixedPoint reflected operators
Implementing FixedPoint comparison operators
Computing a numeric hash
Designing more useful rounding
Implementing other special methods
Optimization with the in-place operators
Design considerations and trade-offs
Looking forward
Chapter 8. Decorators and Mixins – Cross-cutting Aspects
Class and meaning
Constructing the functions
Constructing the class
Some class design principles
Aspect-oriented programming
Using built-in decorators
Using standard library decorators
Using standard library mixin classes
Using the context manager mixin class
Turning off a class feature
Writing a simple function decorator
Creating separate loggers
Parameterizing a decorator
Creating a method function decorator
Creating a class decorator
Adding method functions to a class
Using decorators for security
Design considerations and trade-offs
Looking forward
Part 2. Persistence and Serialization
Persistence and Serialization
Chapter 9. Serializing and Saving – JSON YAML Pickle CSV and XML
Understanding persistence class state and representation
Common Python terminologies
Filesystem and network considerations
Defining classes to support persistence
Rendering a blog and posts
Dumping and loading with JSON
Supporting JSON in our classes
Customizing JSON encoding
Customizing JSON decoding
The security and the eval() issue
Refactoring the encode function
Standardizing the date string
Writing JSON to a file
Dumping and loading with YAML
Formatting YAML data on a file
Extending the YAML representation
Security and safe loading
Dumping and loading with pickle
Designing a class for reliable pickle processing
Security and the global issue
Dumping and loading with CSV
Dumping simple sequences to CSV
Loading simple sequences from CSV
Handling containers and complex classes
Dumping and loading multiple row types in a CSV file
Filtering CSV rows with an iterator
Dumping and loading joined rows in a CSV file
Dumping and loading with XML
Dumping objects using string templates
Dumping objects with xml.etree.ElementTree
Loading XML documents
Design considerations and trade-offs
Schema evolution
Looking forward
Chapter 10. Storing and Retrieving Objects via Shelve
Analyzing persistent object use cases
The ACID properties
Creating a shelf
Designing shelvable objects
Designing keys for our objects
Generating surrogate keys for objects
Designing a class with a simple key
Designing classes for containers or collections
Referring to objects via foreign keys
Designing CRUD operations for complex objects
Searching scanning and querying
Designing an access layer for shelve
Writing a demonstration script
Creating indexes to improve efficiency
Creating top-level indices
Adding yet more index maintenance
The writeback alternative to index updates
Schema evolution
Design considerations and trade-offs
Application software layers
Looking forward
Chapter 11. Storing and Retrieving Objects via SQLite
SQL databases persistence and objects
The SQL data model – rows and tables
CRUD processing via SQL DML statements
Querying rows with the SQL SELECT statement
SQL transactions and the ACID properties
Designing primary and foreign database keys
Processing application data with SQL
Implementing class-like processing in pure SQL
Mapping Python objects to SQLite BLOB columns
Mapping Python objects to database rows manually
Designing an access layer for SQLite
Implementing container relationships
Improving performance with indices
Adding an ORM layer
Designing ORM-friendly classes
Building the schema with the ORM layer
Manipulating objects with the ORM layer
Querying post objects given a tag string
Improving performance with indices
Schema evolution
Design considerations and trade-offs
Mapping alternatives
Keys and key designs
Application software layers
Looking forward
Chapter 12. Transmitting and Sharing Objects
Class state and representation
Using HTTP and REST to transmit objects
Implementing CRUD operations via REST
Implementing non-CRUD operations
The REST protocol and ACID
Choosing a representation – JSON XML or YAML
Implementing a REST server – WSGI and mod_wsgi
Creating a simple REST application and server
Implementing a REST client
Demonstrating and unit testing the RESTful services
Using Callable classes for WSGI applications
Designing RESTful object identifiers
Multiple layers of REST services
Creating the roulette server
Creating the roulette client
Creating a secure REST service
The WSGI Authentication application
Implementing REST with a web application framework
Using a message queue to transmit objects
Defining processes
Building queues and supplying data
Design considerations and trade-offs
Schema evolution
Application software layers
Looking forward
Chapter 13. Configuration Files and Persistence
Configuration file use cases
Representation persistence state and usability
Application configuration design patterns
Configuring via object construction
Implementing a configuration hierarchy
Storing the configuration in the INI files
Handling more literals via the eval() variants
Storing the configuration in PY files
Configuration via class definitions
Configuration via SimpleNamespace
Using Python with exec() for the configuration
Why is exec() a nonproblem?
Using ChainMap for defaults and overrides
Storing the configuration in JSON or YAML files
Using flattened JSON configurations
Loading a YAML configuration
Storing the configuration in property files
Parsing a properties file
Using a properties file
Storing the configuration in XML files – PLIST and others
Customized XML configuration files
Design considerations and trade-offs
Creating a shared configuration
Schema evolution
Looking Forward
Part 3. Testing Debugging Deploying and Maintaining
Testing Debugging Deploying and Maintaining
Chapter 14. The Logging and Warning Modules
Creating a basic log
Creating a shared class-level logger
Configuring the loggers
Starting up and shutting down the logging system
Naming the loggers
Extending the logger levels
Defining handlers for multiple destinations
Managing the propagation rules
Configuration gotcha
Specializing logging for control debug audit and security
Creating a debugging log
Creating audit and security logs
Using the warnings module
Showing API changes with a warning
Showing configuration problems with a warning
Showing possible software problems with a warning
Advanced logging – the last few messages and network destinations
Building an automatic tail buffer
Sending logging messages to a remote process
Preventing queue overrun
Design considerations and trade-offs
Looking forward
Chapter 15. Designing for Testability
Defining and isolating units for testing
Minimizing the dependencies
Creating simple unit tests
Creating a test suite
Including edge and corner cases
Mocking dependencies for testing
Using more mocks to test more behaviors
Using doctest to define test cases
Combining doctest and unittest
Creating a more complete test package
Using setup and teardown
Using setup and teardown with OS resources
Using setup and teardown with databases
The TestCase class hierarchy
Using externally defined expected results
Automated integration or performance testing
Design considerations and trade-offs
Looking forward
Chapter 16. Coping With the Command Line
The OS interface and the command line
Arguments and options
Parsing the command line with argparse
A simple on/off option
An option with an argument
Positional arguments
All other arguments
--version display and exit
--help display and exit
Integrating command-line options and environment variables
Providing more configurable defaults
Overriding configuration file settings with environment variables
Overriding environment variables with the configuration files
Making the configuration aware of the None values
Customizing the help output
Creating a top-level main() function
Ensuring DRY for the configuration
Managing nested configuration contexts
Programming In The Large
Designing command classes
Adding the analysis command subclass
Adding and packaging more features into an application
Designing a higher-level composite command
Additional composite command design patterns
Integrating with other applications
Design considerations and trade-offs
Looking forward
Chapter 17. The Module and Package Design
Designing a module
Some module design patterns
Module versus class
The expected content of a module
Whole module versus module items
Designing a package
Designing a module-package hybrid
Designing a package with alternate implementations
Designing a main script and the __main__ module
Creating an executable script file
Creating a __main__ module
Programming in the large
Designing long-running applications
Organizing code into src bin and test
Installing Python modules
Design considerations and trade-offs
Looking forward
Chapter 18. Quality and Documentation
Writing docstrings for the help() function
Using pydoc for documentation
Better output via the RST markup
Blocks of text
The RST inline markup
RST directives
Learning RST
Writing effective docstrings
Writing file-level docstrings including modules and packages
Writing API details in RST markup
Writing class and method function docstrings
Writing function docstrings
More sophisticated markup techniques
Using Sphinx to produce the documentation
Using the Sphinx quickstart
Writing the Sphinx documentation
Filling in the 4+1 views for documentation
Writing the implementation document
Creating the Sphinx cross-references
Refactoring Sphinx files into directories
Writing the documentation
Literate programming
Use cases for literate programming
Working with a literate programming tool
Design considerations and trade-offs
更新时间:2021-11-12 16:26:34