Project libraries and dependencies

Configure pom.xml to add the major Spring Framework 4.x libraries (JAR files) for the PWP project. These dependency modules are the following:

  • spring-core (Spring core module): This contains the core components of the framework which includes the Inverse of Control principle and Dependency Injection (DI).
  • spring-beans (Spring bean module): This contains the bean generation using BeanFactory and fetches injected beans using the method getBean().
  • spring-context (Spring context module): Built by the core and bean modules that provide the interfaces of ApplicationContext with some features like resource bundling, internationalization, and scheduling.
  • spring-context-support (Spring context support module): This module contains the classes needed for integrating third-party applications to a Spring Application Context.
  • spring-web: This contains the web features of the Spring Framework which includes the initialization of the IoC container using servlet listeners and a web-oriented application context.
  • spring-webmvc (Spring MVC module): This is the module that has the MVC implementations and features.
  • spring-tx (Spring Transaction module): This contains transaction management on Bean object declarations with some special interfaces for all the POJO objects.

Aside from the other non-framework libraries, the following are auxiliary JAR files that support the Spring Framework 4.x core libraries:

  • servlet-api: This contains all the classes and interfaces that describe the interaction between a servlet class and the runtime environment provided for the instance of a class within the bound of the servlet container.
  • jsp-api: This contains all the classes that implement the JspPage interface.
  • jstl: This contains all the classes and interfaces for Taglib support for all JSP pages.
  • javax-mail: This provides a platform-independent and protocol-independent framework to build mail and messaging applications.
  • javax.validation: This provides JSR-303 annotations for Java Bean validation.

All of these dependencies must be added to the pom.xml of the Maven project.