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Chapter 1. Creating a Personal Web Portal (PWP)
Overview of the project
Technical requirements
Setting-up the development environment
The pom.xml file
Project deployment
Project libraries and dependencies
Overview of the Spring MVC specification
The project development
Creating the Spring container
Configuring the Spring container
The Personal Web Portal (PWP) project
Challenge yourself
Chapter 2. Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS)
Overview of the project
Technical requirement
The project development
Challenge yourself
Chapter 3. Student Management Portal (SMP)
An overview of the project
Technical requirements
Software design overview
Configuring the DispatcherServlet
Creating the Spring containers
The Data Access Object (DAO) layer
The service layer
The data domain layer
The controllers
The validators and type conversion
The interceptors
The Aspect Advice and PointCut
The views
The Student Management Portal (SMP)
Challenge yourself
Chapter 4. Human Resource Management System (HRMS)
Overview of the project
Technical requirements
The HRMS database
Data modeling framework
Integrating charts and graphs
Integrating reports
JVM memory management
Client-side visualization
The Human Resource Management System (HRMS)
Challenge yourself
Chapter 5. Customer Feedback System (CFS)
Overview of the project
Technical requirements
The CFS database
Data modeling framework
Chapter 6. Hotel Management System (HMS)
Overview of the project
Technical Requirements
The HMS Database
User Experience (UX) design issues
Designing themes
Creating intelligent web components
Creating web layouts
Spring's internationalization support
Velocity FreeMarker and Rhythm
Spring mobile
Challenge yourself
Chapter 7. Online Cart System (OCS)
Overview of the project
Technical requirements
The OCS database
The software prototypes
Spring security implementation
Post-login transaction
Transaction management using JTA
Process and navigation management
Variable scopes
Spring MVC portlet
OCS as a portal
Application context configuration
Spring Cache
Hot deployment using JRebel
Chapter 8. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Overview of the project
Technical requirement
The ERP databases
Data modeling framework
The concept of web services
Chapter 9. Bus Ticketing System (BTS)
Overview of the project
Technical requirements
The BTS database
Data modeling framework
AJAX and Spring integration
Chapter 10. Social Task Management System (STMS)
Overview of the project
Technical requirements
Collaborative data analysis concept
更新时间:2021-07-14 10:48:55