- 第十六届中国智能交通年会科技论文集
- 第十六届中国智能交通年会学术委员会
- 816字
- 2025-02-23 05:00:33
同济大学道路与交通工程教育部重点实验室,上海 201804
Revision of Saturation Flow Rate at Tandem Intersections Based on Field Data
Zheng Zhe, Ma Wanjing, Wang Ling
Tongji University,The Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of the Ministry of Education,Tongji Univer Sity Shanghai 201804
Abstract: In order to accurately calculate the saturation flow rate at pre-signal intersections, the saturation flow rate adjustment model for pre-signal intersection was established based on the measured data. First, the field data of the sort area in Qian Hai Rd. in Shenzhen was collected by video cameras. It was shown that the saturation flow rate of the sort area was significantly affected by the pre-signal control based on comparison analysis. Then, with the factor analysis method, the in fluence of the saturation flow rate in sort area was analyzed from three aspects, including the unfa miliar operation, the lane utilization in sort area, and the sort area retention. The saturation flow rate adjustment model was established using the probability theory and mathematical statistics ac cordingly. Results show that the pre-signal control brings negative impact on saturation flow rate of the approach lanes, although it can significantly improve the capacity of the whole intersection with the dynamic use of approach lanes. The uneven utilization of lanes in sort area is the main factor of the effect in saturation flow rate caused by pre-signal control, with the reduction by 15.32%. The il legal driving into the sort area caused by unfamiliar operation can cause the lane blockage, which reduces the saturation flow rate in this lane and adjacent lane for 6.15% and 3.92%,respective ly. The sort area retention causes the vehicle blockage in the next phase and reduction of the satura tion flow rate, which is affected by the signal timing and vehicular speed. It could be avoided by set ting sufficient clearance time in practice.
Key words:traffic engineering;saturation flow rate;probability theory;pre-signal intersections;measured data;factor analysis method