About the Reviewers

Harrison Dahme is a full-stack software engineer in San Francisco, born and raised in Toronto. He's driven by an addiction to learning and a love for adventure. He has a specialist degree in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Toronto, and he has years of experience working with the frontend, backend, app development, and system design. When he's not making things or breaking things, you can find him surfing, rock climbing, skiing, or mountain biking. Find him on social media as @IsTheBaron, or connect with him on LinkedIn as hdahme.

Sven Kreiss, PhD, is a data scientist in New York City with a background in particle physics. He holds a Master's degree from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and a PhD from New York University (NYU). His thesis included software development for applied statistics tools. Together with other physicists of the ATLAS collaboration, he used these tools to discover the Higgs Boson in 2012 at CERN, Switzerland. He is also the author of Databench, an open source tool for interactive data analysis and visualization.

To learn more about him, visit his website at www.svenkreiss.com and follow him on Twitter at @svenkreiss.

Andrew Long is an entrepreneur working in San Francisco, California. He has extensive battle-worn experience in building and scaling out both the frontend and backend services of popular consumer applications. Currently, he is working as a senior software engineer at Hall, Inc. Previously, he was building Mailbox at Orchestra, prior to being acquired by Dropbox. He also worked on mobile technologies at Palm, Inc. for the WebOS platform. After Palm's acquisition by HP, he helped build the first official native Facebook application on a tablet form factor.

Follow him at @aslong on Twitter, or visit www.andrewslong.com.

I'd like to thank Katherine for her never-ending support and encouragement in producing this book.

Jari Timonen is an experienced software enthusiast with over 10 years of experience in the software industry. His experience includes successful team leadership combined with understanding complex business domains and delivering them into practice. He has been building enterprise architectures, designing software, and programming. Although he started his career in the finance industry, he currently works as a service architect in a telecommunications company. He practices pair programming and is keen on studying new technologies. When he is not building software, he spends time with his family, fishing, exercising, or flying his radio-controlled model helicopter.

He currently holds the following certifications:

  • Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 5
  • Sun Certified Developer for Java 2 Platform
  • Oracle Certified Master, Java EE 5 Enterprise Architect