第2章 上皮组织
Chapter 2 Epithelial tissue

No.6 单层扁平上皮 Simple squamous epithelium

大网膜铺片,狗,银染法 Spread preparation of omentum,dog,silver staining





Fig.2-1 单层扁平上皮 simple squamous epithelium

In this preparation,the mesothelial lining of the peritoneal cavity has been stripped from the underlying connective tissues and spread onto a slide thus permitting a surface view of simple squamous epithelium.

Low and high power:Simple squamous epithelium(the mesothelium)is observed with surface view. The intercellular substance has been stained with silver outlining the closely interdigitating cell boundaries. The nuclei of the cells are centrally or eccentrically located, which have been stained with the dye,hematoxylin.

No.46 单层扁平上皮 Simple squamous epithelium

小肠,狗 Small intestine,dog,H&E

Fig.2-2 单层扁平上皮 simple squamous epithelium

1.间皮 mesothelium

2.内皮 endothelium




Naked eye:The wave-like violet band is the intestinal mucosa. The opposite margin is the outer surface of the small intestine covered by the simple squamous epithelium,called mesothelium.

Low and high power:The mesothelial lining cells are so flattened that they can only be recognized by their nuclei which are basophilic and bulge into the lumen. The supporting basement membrane is very thin and can not be seen in this micrograph. In the underlying connective tissue,another type of simple squamous epithelium,called endothelium,can be found to line some small blood vessels.

No.46 单层柱状上皮 Simple columnar epithelium

小肠,狗 Small intestine,dog,H&E




Naked eye:The violet band is the intestinal mucosa.

Low power:Find out finger-like projections(villi)on the mucosa side. The surface of villi is covered by simple columnar epithelium, in which tightly compacted nuclei can be seen in one layer.

High power:Two kinds of cells are present in this epithelium. Columnar cell has an oval nucleus with its long axis paralleling to the long axis of the cell. The luminal plasma membranes of columnar cells are often arranged into numerous,minute,finger-like projections called microvilli which are too small to be resolved individually. But the microvilli collectively give the appearance of a striated border at the luminal surface. Between the columnar cells,goblet cell is irregularly distributed and shows a vacuole feature with a dark nucleus below the vacuolar cytoplasm.

Fig.2-3 单层柱状上皮 simple columnar epithelium

1.单层柱状上皮 simple columnar epithelium

2.纹状缘 striated border

3.杯状细胞 goblet cell

4.杯状细胞核 nucleus of goblet cell

No.54 假复层纤毛柱状上皮 Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium

气管,人 Trachea,human,H&E




Naked eye:The inner surface is purple and lined with epithelium.

Low power:The term pseudostratified is derived from the appearance of this epithelium in section which conveys the erroneous impression that there is more than one layer of cells. This,however,is a true simple epithelium since all the cells rest on the basement membrane,although not all the cells extend to the luminal surface. The nuclei of these cells are disposed at different levels,thus creating the illusion of cellular stratification.

Fig.2-4 假复层纤毛柱状上皮 pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium

1.假复层纤毛柱状上皮 pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium

2.纤毛 cilia

3.杯状细胞 goblet cell

4.基膜 basement membrane

High power:There are approximately 3 layers of nuclei showing a stratified appearance. The upper nuclei belong to columnar cells whose free surface has a lot of cilia. The nuclei of fusiform cells are in the middle. The nuclei at the bottom just above the obvious basal membrane are nuclei of pyramidal cells. Goblet cells are also present. The columnar cells and goblet cells reach the surface.

No.43 未角化复层扁平上皮 Nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium

食管,人 Esophagus,human,H&E




Naked eye:The purple line placed on the lumen side of this organ is epithelium.

Low power:The epithelium is composed of many layers of cells which undergo morphological transition from the cuboidal basal layer to the extremely flattened surface layers. The junction between epithelium and underlying connective tissue is usually irregular. The projection of connective tissue into the epithelium is called dermal papillae.

High power: Note the highly cellular basal layer and the transition from the large polygonal cells of the intermediate layers to the superficial squamous cells.

Fig.2-5 未角化复层扁平上皮 nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium

1.未角化复层扁平上皮 nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium

2.结缔组织 connective tissue

No.60 变移上皮 Transitional epithelium

膀胱,空虚状态,狗 Bladder,non-distended state,dog,H&E

Fig.2-6 变移上皮 transitional epithelium

1.变移上皮 transitional epithelium

2.双核的表层细胞 binucleate surface cell




Naked eye: The purple line placed on one side is transitional epithelium. The other side is covered by simple squamous epithelium.

Low Power:Several layers of cells are situated on the basement membrane.

High Power:The shape and size of the basal and intermediate cells vary considerably depending on the degree of distension,but the cells of the surface layer usually retain several characteristic features. In this “relaxed” state of the epithelium,basal and intemediate cells have a cuboidal or columnar shape. The surface cells are large and pale-stained and present a scalloped suface outline. The nuclei of the surface cells are large,round,sometimes binucleated, and often exhibit prominent nucleoli.